Q+A with Laura Blom | Heads Up Kids | WCW

I found Laura's shop Heads Up Kids on IG and fell in love with her line of products! She's the sweetest person and it shines through in her work. You can see all the thought and whimsy she puts into everything she makes! When I first met her she was wanting to do a shop rebranding and I was more than happy to help. I hope you enjoy getting to know this lovely lady like I have.

Q. My hometown is...
A. Sunny Modesto, CA

What inspires you?
My two little ones are the inspiration for and behind my shop. I started my shop shortly after having my first child. I wanted to create cute headbands for her because I didn't like what was available in the stores. After having my son I was inspired by him to add some boyish and more gender neutral pieces, such as beanies and hats. I try to think about how kids like to dress; fun and comfortable clothes, with bright colors and fun patterns.

Laura's Studio, where all the @headsupkids creations are born!
What's your creative process like?
My creative process is kind of a mess! I have so many different ideas rolling around in my head and not enough time to implement them all. I try to write things down as I think of them and then slowly start to check them off a list. I could definitely use some help in the organization and process parts of this business! One of my favorite parts of my creative process is playing around with my stamps which I use on some of our hats, headbands and beanies. I love creating new stamps and playing around with different color paints and fabrics.

What's your business all about?
Heads Up Kids is all about fun, unique, comfortable clothes for babies and kids. I like to think about what my own kids like and their personalities when I am creating a new product. I strive to offer unique items that reflect the carefree, playfulness of childhood.

Another area in the @headsupkids studio space. How inspiring is that poster?!?
When and how did you start your business?
I started my shop as a hobby when my daughter was a baby. I couldn't find headbands in stores that I actually liked for her and was inspired to make my own. It quickly snowballed from there! I was addicted to creating immediately and always found myself wanting to create more and try new things. I remember thinking that no one was going to purchase from my shop, but I had my first sale in one day. Now it has grown into a part-time business and has changed a lot from when I started, but I love it more and more as it progresses.

What were the biggest challenges you had to overcome to get to where you are today?
One obstacle for me was figuring out what exactly I wanted my shop to be. I tried a lot of different things in the beginning because I hadn't found my niche or my passion. I did some jewelry, birthday crowns, bow ties, and headbands. Partly because I tend to be a people pleaser and wanted to create things everyone would love. The problem was, I didn't love making all those different things. I took some time off after my son was born and since reopening I have really narrowed my focus down to being a baby and kids apparel shop and that has helped a lot. I have a much more clearly defined direction that I am going in, and I'm not worried anymore about pleasing everyone. Its ok if people don't love what I make. I do, and I am much happier now than when I was trying to do so many different things.

This cutie is wearing the sweetest @headsupkids bow headband!
The thing that surprised me most was...
How much work there is with a small business outside of the creating part of it! There is so much work that goes on behind the scenes that I never realized before. Its actually hard to find time to just sew and fill orders with all the emails, marketing, product photos, website up-keep, social media, packing and shipping, etc that has to happen too!

I'm most grateful for...
My supportive husband! It's so great to have him on board with my shop. He encourages me when I'm feeling discouraged about something and even helps with packing and shipping when I get behind on things. I am also grateful for wonderful customers! I have been blessed to have some really great return customers and people who have stuck with me through all the changes my shop has gone through.

OMG! How adorable are these @headsupkids superhero masks?!?! @headsupkids

My advice for anyone thinking of making and selling is...
To go for it! You won't know unless you try, but it just may turn into more than you ever dreamed and you may love it more than you thought you could! Its wonderful to have a creative outlet too.

Is there anything you would do differently if you had to start over today?
If I could start over today I would have narrowed my variety of products down more quickly. I would try to figure out what I wanted my shop to be all about instead of trying to please everyone or make something for everyone.

This is the dreamiest little headband I ever did see! by @headsupkids

My favorite colors are... Blues; cobalt and turquoise-blue and green. But I also love neutrals.

The song that's stuck in my head lately is...
The theme to Curious George.

How cute is this little guy with his sunnies and @headsupkids tee (Laura actually came to me for help on this design and I love how this collab turned out!)

Currently streaming...
Just finished up all of Friends and I am in love with The Goldbergs.

My favorite sip-able treat is...
Coffee and La Croix water

Love this slouch beanie + superhero mask set by @headsupkids

If I could pick a super power it would be...
To be able to fly.

My favorite childhood toy was...
I loved my first pair of roller blades!

Every Rad kid, needs a Rad kid hat...nuff said! by @headsupkids

If I had the whole day to myself I would...
Sleep in, get coffee, shop and eat! Or go to the beach.

Best book ever...
The Harry Potter series (and I'm not ashamed to admit that!)

How perfectly does this @headsupkids slouch beanie complete this look!?!?

Best movie ever...
Too many! You've Got Mail, Elizabethtown, The Step Mom (for a good cry), Princess Bride

My Woman crushes are:
One woman I find very inspirational is Erin of Candy Kirby Designs. I love her paintings, all the color everywhere! She is an incredible business woman and mom of three. Very inspiring.

Follow me at:
Store: www.headsup-kids.com
Instagram: @headsupkids
Twitter: @headsupkids


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