Q+A with Kathryn | Kack Design | WCW

I found Kathryn's shop on Instagram and was very impressed with the quality of her garments, you can just tell she puts a lot of thought into constructing something that will last. Combine that level of quality with bright fun fabric and one of the sweetest ladies on earth and you get Kack Designs! We were fast friends and have supported each other's endeavors ever since. My daughter has a growing collection of Kack Design originals in her wardrobe and I had the joy of creating the Kack Design logo. I'm excited that I get to share more about this lovely lady with you!

Q. My hometown is...
Prairie Village, KS

What inspires you?
God. Color. Life. My children.

Colorful pom-skirts by @kackdesign
What's your creative process like?
Honestly, I am very math minded. I am constantly trying to figure out how to create new garments. Push myself. I love seeing the fabulous creations of others and making my own spin on it. I am seldomly happy with a pattern as is. I like to make it my own. To make it how I see it.

What's your business all about?
Fabulous fabrics!!! I love to fabric shop and share my love with others in beautiful garments!!

Kathryn's workspace, where all the girly goodness is made!
When and how did you start your business?
April 16th, 2014!!! The day after tax day. I wanted to send my little girls to catholic school and I had to try. There was no reason not to and I couldn't be more pleased with how it makes me today. Successes, failures, using my mind & talents. I feel so blessed and humbled to have come as far as I have.

What were the biggest challenges you had to overcome to get to where you are today?
Myself. Its hard to explain in words, but my biggest challenge was always second guessing myself. However, now my biggest challenge is how to market to my audience. How to grow slowly, but honestly and for my abilities.

Kathryn's workspace in the corner of the playroom. I love how she makes use of the space she has!
The thing that surprised me most was...
The sense of community on Instagram. We are all creative minds trying to make a name for ourselves. We love to support one another and help one another out. I have met so many wonderful, kind, gifted and creative woman. I am so honored to be working amongst them!

I'm most grateful for...
My beautiful children and husband who inspire me everyday. As well as, my fabulous customers who come back again and again to shop small. I am so grateful for their support!!

Colorful skirts by @kackdesign
My advice for anyone thinking of making and selling is...
Take your time. Reach out to others. Put yourself out there. Keep trying over and over. Reinvent yourself. Be unique!

Is there anything you would do differently if you had to start over today?
Honestly, no. I've learned from each of my successes and failures.

Kathryn recently added these adorable dresses to her line of clothes. You can buy these lovely pieces here > @kackdesign
My favorite colors are... Teal, Magenta and Jade

The song that's stuck in my head lately is...
Honestly, none. My own mind keeps me occupied with deadlines.

I love the mix of fabrics Kathryn chooses, some bright and bold, others pastel and sweet.
Currently streaming...
HBO GO - recapping season 4 of Game of Thrones!!! Best Ever!

My favorite sip-able treat is...
Coffee with cream in the morning.
Arnold Palmers in the afternoon.
And margaritas on the weekends.

If I could pick a super power it would be...
Super speed.

My favorite childhood toy was...
Marble Building Towers

If I had the whole day to myself I would...
Sit in the sun on a beach with a drink!!

The actress that would play me in the movie of my life would be...
Cameron Diaz because she's honest, funny, fun and sarcastic

Best quote ever...
"Lay off me Becky, I'm starving".

Best book ever...
Oh no. Twilight. I need to read more.

Best movie ever...
Clueless. I stand by that.

Follow me at:
Instagram: www.instagram.com/kackdesign


  1. Thank you for sharing!! I love for reading about other crafters and she is a great inspiration for me on instagram!!

    1. I agree, she is a great lady and very inspiring. I'm so glad you enjoyed the post! Thanks for reading. :)
