Q+A with Ash | Dash and Ash | WCW

I so love this week's Woman Crush, Ash, from Dash and Ash! We became friends through Instagram and have found out we have so much in common, don't you love it when that happens?!?! Her artwork is so vibrant and quirky you can't help but feel happy when you scroll through her feed. She's a mother of two adorable girls and lives in the Seattle area with her family. I've enjoyed getting to know her and I think you will too!

Q. My hometown is...
A. Vancouver Washington

What inspires you?
Color, books, trips downtown Seattle/Portland, hikes, views of the mountains.

Ash's Studio Space in Seattle. ©dashandash

What's your creative process like?
I think about ideas for a long time before I'm able to create. I knock them around for days before i'm actually able to sit down and put them on paper. I'm venturing more away from the aid of my computer to create which is hard because I became very dependent on my computer after I had my first child. My thoughts were i don't want to create another mess. Now everything is messy.

Ash in Action, Assembling A Garland of Her Hand Carved and Stamped Owl Image. ©dashandash

What's your business all about?
I'm actually still trying to figure that out. I'm just trying to let it develop right now, i'm trying to find myself as an artist.

When and how did you start your business?
I actually gave up on art 6 month prior to opening my shop because of family issues and not being to take so much rejection or none responses. I read Blog, Inc. and i was so pumped up and ready to take rejection head on.
The Inspiring Elements That Ash has Stuck to Her Walls and Perched on These Adorable Shelves! ©dashandash

What were the biggest challenges you had to overcome to get to where you are today?
I'm trying to find a voice in my work. I want my work to be a whole and identified as something that came from the same person. When I first started the art was kind random and a lot go typography based work. Personal i am taking a little breather for all things type and getting down to pattern making, block printing and illustration.

The thing that surprised me most was...
That you have to take on a whole new persona to promote yourself. Me away from all the art stuff I only have one in person kind of friend. Me connected to my business I have met so many awesome people that I wish I did know in person.

Original Watercolor and Stamped Art by ©dashandash

I'm most grateful for...
My Husband was the first person to give me the opportunity to create.

My advice for anyone thinking of making and selling is...
It's not as hard as you built it up in your head to be.
Original Art by ©dashandash
Is there anything you would do differently if you had to start over today?
Probably start out with a bigger body of work.

My favorite colors are... I kinda have my own names for them:

Neon Chartreuse
Punk Periwinkle
Manic Mustard

I Love The Way She Sees The World. Image and Work ©dashandash
The song that's stuck in my head lately is...
The whole Rainbow Rocks Soundtrack, we have daily dance parties to the soundtrack. I almost wish we could go back to the days when My little Ponies didn't sing.

Currently streaming...
Orphan Black, GOT, Elementary, Grimm, Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt.

Art Prints by ©dashandash Are Available in Her Etsy Shop

My favorite sip-able treat is...
Coconut Mocha

If I could pick a super power it would be...
To fly.

Pillows by ©dashandash Are Available in Her Etsy Shop

My favorite childhood toy was...
Aubrey Plaza.

If I had the whole day to myself I would...
Legos!!! I still play with Legos.

Art Prints by ©dashandash Are Available in Her Etsy Shop

Best book ever...
I have to say Harry Potter, I didn't read them until three years ago and it really trigged a love for reading.

Best movie ever...
Young Frankenstein

My Woman crushes are:
Tina Fey, Mindy Kaling

Follow me at:
Instagram: https://instagram.com/dashandash/
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/dashandash/
Website: Dashandash.com


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