It is NEVER too late to live your purpose! This was my final take away from the #samsonchallenge (find out more about the samson challenge and more bible challenges by the lovely @doctorkanayo on here blog). If you don’t know Samson from the Bible picture @therock #dawaynejohnson with long hair and a loincloth...

ok...I realize I may have just lost some of your to a daydream right there, but back to Samson...he was BLESSED! The man had skills! So the skill of killing off your enemies with a donkey jaw bone may not be so relevant today, but back then the guy was UNTOUCHABLE! That’s not the end of the story though...He got cocky. He let his power go to his head...literally. His hair was a symbolic representation of his power that was given to him by God in response to a promise of a life lived in obedience to God. He would follow God and as a sign of his commitment he would never cut his hair. When Samson let his enemies cut his hair he was literally cutting God out of the picture! God never forces our obedience so he let Samson walk away from his promise and his powerful gift. As soon as Samson turns from God he literally loses sight of everything. Blind, isolated and powerless Samson is humbled to the extreme and in his helplessness he remembers his purpose with razor sharp clarity. In Samson's story, his purpose was to help deliver his people from an oppressive and prevalent enemy. He cries out to the God he took for granted and asks for one last chance to live his purpose. God is faithful and gives him just enough strength to bring the house down. He goes out with a bang and takes his enemies with him. With focused faith and determination God will help us squeeze every last ounce of purpose from our lives if we give him the chance to fill us with his power and take the time to listen to his voice. What's your purpose? How can I encourage you to live it out?


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